

Our second goal, driven by love, is to help those that survive such a life altering injury. We aim to help overcome the struggles and hardships faced with becoming paralyzed. It’s hard to fight alone. Part of our mission is to help aide those that are injured; not only with a road to independence, but also health stability.

Often all that is needed is an advocate or a push in the right direction. We all have a right to fight for health, and often love is offered to getting through it. When facing a spinal cord injury or much less any trauma that is life altering, it’s too easy to hit a wall and call it quits. We want so much more, but we have to be willing to work for it. The question isn’t how far do you have to go, but how far are you willing to go?

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center there are nearly 17,000 new spinal cord injuries a year. An alarming correlation of those that face these devastating injuries is the life expectancy after lesion. The life expectancy or mortality rate has not positively changed since the 1980s, but the technology to maintain health has. It is our belief that if there is a time to be paralyzed, now is it. The technology advancements and therapeutic equipment available to those injured is phenomenal. The cost, however, is not.

Many are not even aware of the available hope after sustaining such a life altering injury. It is our goal as a foundation to not only bring awareness to these tragedies, but also help those in need.

More statistics related to spinal cord injuries below:
