Everything you need to know about Hope, Love, and Me.


Is your donation tax-deductible?

Yes! The Hope, Love, and Me Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Therefore, your donations are tax-deductible. You will receive a tax-deduction receipt upon completing your donation online via Paypal. We also provide tax-deduction receipts to donors who contribute in other manners.

How far does your donation go?

Your donation contributes to the physical and mental health wellness of those facing a spinal cord injury, as well as preventing these devastating injuries one speaking engagement at a time. You are helping save a life. In other words, your donation goes a very long way.

Do I donate all at once, or is it possible in increments?

Any donation is greatly appreciated. We make it easy for you to extend your support of the Hope, Love, and Me Foundation into the future, via recurring donations. Simply make your selections right under the donation amount using the form shown.

What is the ripple effect of my donation?

When a marble is dropped into a cup of water there is a direct impact, as well as many to follow. The neatest part is just how far those ripples can go. The direct impact you have on someone’s life is powerful. Life allows neat opportunities to be participants in other people‘s stories, and the Hope, Love, and Me Foundation is thankful for this possibility because of your support.